Top 21 Must-Use Tools for React Development in 2024

Ashish Jain
15 min readMay 2, 2024

React is a popular JavaScript library that has quickly become a go-to choice for many developers. Its component-based structure and virtual DOM make it efficient and easy to build complex user interfaces. However, like any development project, using the right tools can make all the difference in the success of your project. This article will explore some must-use tools for React development that will help you streamline your workflow and improve your overall productivity.

Why Are Dev Tools Important?

The Role of Dev Tools in Development

Before we dive into the specific tools, it’s essential to understand why using the right development tools is crucial for success. Dev tools are software or programs that help developers create, debug, test, and deploy their code efficiently. They can range from simple code editors to more complex testing and deployment tools.

Dev tools extend the developer’s capabilities, allowing them to write code more effectively and catch errors early in development. They can also significantly speed up the development cycle by automating repetitive tasks and simplifying complex processes.

Improving Code Quality with Dev Tools

Dev tools are not just about efficiency; they also play a vital role in improving code quality. Tools that facilitate testing and debugging help developers ensure their code is robust and performs as expected.

Automated testing tools can help catch bugs that might be missed during manual testing. Linters and formatters help maintain a consistent code style, which is crucial for collaborative projects. High-quality code is more maintainable, scalable, and less prone to errors in the long run.

Streamlining Collaboration

When working on a team, dev tools can streamline collaboration and help avoid conflicts that arise from merging code changes. Version control systems like Git and platforms like GitHub or GitLab allow multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously.

Code review tools integrated into these platforms enable team members to give feedback on proposed changes before they are integrated into the main codebase. This collaborative approach helps to catch potential issues early and ensures that only high-quality code makes it to production.

What Are Some Must-Use Tools for React Development?

1. Code Editors

Choosing the Right Code Editor

A code editor is one of the most basic tools for any development project. A code editor is a text editor specifically designed for writing and editing code. It provides syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and code formatting, making writing and maintaining code easier.

Choosing a code editor can be a personal preference, but choosing one that supports the technologies you are working with is important. Look for editors that offer a wide range of extensions or plugins, as these can enhance the development experience with additional features tailored to React development.

Popular Code Editors for React

Some popular code editors for React development include Visual Studio Code, Atom, and Sublime Text. These editors have built-in support for React, allowing you to create and manage your React projects seamlessly.

Visual Studio Code, in particular, is highly regarded for its extensive library of extensions, built-in Git support, and excellent IntelliSense for code completion. Atom and Sublime Text are also powerful options, with packages that enhance their functionality for React developers.

Customizing Your Editor for React

To get the most out of your code editor, it’s important to customize it for React development. Install plugins or extensions that enhance syntax highlighting for JSX, provide snippets for common React patterns, and integrate with other tools like linters and formatters.

Customizing your editor can also involve:

  • Tweaking settings to optimize performance.
  • Setting up keyboard shortcuts for frequently used actions.
  • Configuring the editor’s layout to match your workflow.

2. React Developer Tools

Inspecting React Components

React Developer Tools is a browser extension that allows you to inspect your application’s React component hierarchy. It visually represents your component tree, making debugging and troubleshooting any issues easier.

This tool is invaluable for understanding how components interact and how data flows through your application. It can also help you optimize performance by identifying unnecessary re-renders or components that could benefit from memoization.

State and Props Analysis

The extension allows you to inspect your components’ current state and props, making it easier to understand and debug your code. This insight is particularly useful when figuring out why a component is behaving unexpectedly or when you need to track down the source of a bug.

React Developer Tools also provide performance profiling features, which can help you measure the impact of changes and optimize your application for better performance.

Available for Multiple Browsers

This tool is available for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers and is a must-have for any React developer. The extension’s cross-browser support ensures you can use it regardless of your preferred development environment.

Being browser-based, React Developer Tools can be used alongside other web development tools, providing a comprehensive set of utilities for inspecting and debugging web applications.

3. Redux DevTools

Debugging State Management

If you use Redux for state management in your React project, then Redux DevTools is a must-have tool. It is a browser extension that helps you debug and inspect the state of your Redux store.

With Redux DevTools, you can see the entire state tree of your application at any point in time, which is immensely helpful for understanding how the state changes over time. The ability to trace every action and its impact on the state makes it much easier to diagnose issues.

Time-Travel Debugging

Redux DevTools allows you to view the current state of your application, track changes to your state, and even time travel between different states. This feature lets you rewind and replay actions to understand how they affect the app’s state, which can be incredibly useful for debugging complex state management issues.

Time-travel debugging can also aid testing, allowing you to quickly move to a specific state within your application to see how new changes interact with existing functionality.

Visualizing State Changes

It also visually represents your state and actions, making it easier to understand and debug your code. The graphical interface gives a clear overview of the state and how it evolves with each action, which can be more intuitive than interpreting raw state data.

Redux DevTools can also be integrated with other tools, such as middleware, to enhance its capabilities, and it supports features like persisting the state across page reloads and customizing the UI to fit your development needs.

4. React Testing Library

Writing Tests That Reflect User Interactions

Testing is essential to any development project, and React is no exception. The React Testing Library is a lightweight library that provides utilities for testing React components.

The philosophy behind React Testing Library is to write tests that closely mimic how a user would interact with your application. This approach ensures that the tests are more resilient to changes in the implementation details of the components and focus on the user experience.

Simplifying Component Tests

React Testing Library does not rely on the internal state of components, which encourages better testing practices. It provides simple and complete APIs to interact with your components, making it easy to write maintainable tests.

This library integrates well with other testing frameworks like Jest, enabling you to create a robust testing environment for your React applications. It also supports testing hooks and asynchronous interactions, common in modern React applications.

Accessibility Testing

In addition to functionality tests, the React Testing Library can be used to verify the accessibility of your components. It encourages you to write tests that check for accessible roles and labels, which can help ensure that your application is usable by as many people as possible.

By incorporating accessibility checks into your testing routine, you can catch and fix accessibility issues early in the development process, leading to a more inclusive end product.

5. Storybook

Developing UI Components in Isolation

Storybook is a popular tool for developing UI components in isolation. It allows you to create and view your components in different states, making it easier to build and debug.

Developing components in isolation means you can focus on one piece at a time without worrying about the context in which it will be used. This leads to more reusable and testable components and can speed up the development process.

Interactive Component Playground

Storybook is an interactive playground for your components, where you can manually test different scenarios and edge cases. It provides a live preview of your components, which updates in real-time as you change your code.

This interactivity is useful for development and sharing work with team members or stakeholders. They can interact with the components and provide feedback without setting up a development environment.

Documentation and Collaboration

This tool is especially useful for larger projects with multiple components, allowing you to develop and test each component separately. It also provides a great way to document your components and their states.

Storybook has features for writing documentation directly alongside your components, which can be very helpful for onboarding new team members or providing a reference for using each component. The documentation can include usage instructions, examples, and notes on best practices.

6. React Router

Managing Navigation and URLs

React Router is a must-use tool for any React project requiring routing. It is a popular routing library that allows you to handle navigation and URLs in a React application.

React Router simplifies implementing navigation in a single-page application (SPA). It provides a declarative API for defining routes, making it easy to understand and maintain the routing logic in your application.

Dynamic and Nested Routing

React Router provides a simple API that allows you to define routes and map them to specific components. It also provides features like dynamic routing, nested routes, and URL parameters, making it a powerful tool for managing navigation in your React project.

Dynamic routing allows you to create routes that match patterns, enabling you to build more flexible and scalable applications. Nested routes help organize the routing structure, which can be particularly useful for larger applications with complex UI hierarchies.

Integrating with Other Libraries

React Router can be integrated with other libraries and tools, such as Redux and authentication, to create a comprehensive routing solution. This integration allows for a cohesive development environment where state management and routing can work hand in hand.

Using React Router, you can ensure that your application has a consistent and user-friendly URL structure, which is important for usability and SEO.

7. Material-UI

Leveraging Material Design in React

Material-UI is a popular React UI library that provides a set of pre-built components based on Google’s Material Design guidelines. It allows you to create beautiful, responsive, and accessible user interfaces with minimal effort.

The library’s adherence to Material Design principles ensures that your UI will have a modern and consistent look and feel. Material-UI components are designed with best practices in mind, which can save you time and help you avoid common design pitfalls.

Wide Range of Components

This library provides many components, including buttons, inputs, navigation, and more. It also has extensive documentation and an active community, making it a great tool for developers of all levels.

Material-UI components are customizable, allowing you to adjust their appearance and behaviour to match your design requirements. The library also supports theming, so you can easily change the colour palette and typography to maintain brand consistency across your application.

Ease of Use and Customization

Material-UI is designed to be easy to use, even for developers unfamiliar with Material Design. The library’s components come with sensible defaults so that you can use them with minimal configuration.

However, when customization is needed, Material-UI provides a powerful styling solution that allows you to override styles and apply themes at different levels of your component hierarchy. This flexibility ensures you can achieve the exact look and feel you want for your application.

8. React Styleguidist

Creating a Living Style Guide

React Styleguidist is a tool that helps you create and maintain a living style guide for your React project. It automatically generates a style guide based on your React components, making documenting and maintaining your code easier.

A living style guide is a central repository for your UI components, showcasing each component and its variations. This can be an invaluable resource for developers and designers, providing a clear overview of the available building blocks for your application.

Interactive Component Development

This tool also allows you to view and test your components in different states, making it easier to develop and debug. React Styleguidist provides an isolated environment where you can interact with your components without the overhead of your entire application.

Developers can use the live editor to tweak props and see the results in real time, accelerating the development process and helping fine-tune component behaviour.

Integration with Testing Libraries

It also integrates with popular testing libraries like Enzyme and React Testing Library, making it a great tool for testing your components. These integrations allow you to write and run tests directly within the style guide, ensuring that your components work as expected in isolation

9. Reactide

Reactide is an integrated development environment (IDE) specifically designed for developing React applications. It provides a visual debugger, a live preview of your application, and an integrated package manager. It also includes various helpful features, such as code completion and syntax highlighting, making it a great all-in-one tool for React development.

In addition to these features, Reactide offers a component tree visualization that can help you understand the structure of your application at a glance. This is particularly helpful for large projects where keeping track of component relationships can become cumbersome.

The IDE also has built-in support for common React workflows, such as creating new components, managing state, and handling routing. This can significantly speed up the development process by reducing the need for context-switching between different tools and utilities.

10. Bundle Analyzer

Bundle Analyzer is a tool that analyzes your application’s bundle size and provides insights into its dependencies. This can help identify and remove any unnecessary or unused dependencies, improving your application’s performance and load times.

This tool can visualize the size of each module in your bundle in a convenient treemap layout, making it easy to spot large dependencies that could be optimized or replaced. It can also track changes in bundle size over time, helping you to maintain performance as your application evolves.

Moreover, Bundle Analyzer can be integrated with your build process, allowing you to automatically check for bundle size regressions as part of your continuous integration pipeline. This ensures that performance considerations are an ongoing part of your development workflow.

11. Why Did You Render

Why Did You Render is a debugging tool that helps identify any unnecessary re-rendering of components. This can help improve the performance of your application by reducing the number of times components are re-rendered unnecessarily.

The tool monitors React components and alerts you when potentially avoidable re-renders occur. It can help you find and fix common performance issues, such as improper use of React hooks or unnecessary prop changes.

Why were you configured only to track certain components or updates, allowing you to focus on your application’s most critical performance bottlenecks? It’s an invaluable tool for optimizing React applications, especially those with complex state management and frequent updates.

12. Formik and Yup

Formik and Yup are separate tools that work well together to manage forms in React applications. Formik provides a simple and efficient way to handle form submission and validation, while Yup is a powerful validation library that integrates seamlessly with Formik.

Formik simplifies building forms in React by handling form state, validation, and submission. It reduces boilerplate code and offers a declarative API that makes form logic easy to follow.

On the other hand, Yup allows you to define a schema for your form data, ensuring that the data conforms to specific rules and constraints before submission. It supports various validation rules, including custom ones, and provides clear error messages that users can display.

Formik and Yup provide a robust solution for form handling in React applications, making creating user-friendly and reliable forms easier.

13. React Hook Form

React Hook Form is another form management tool that offers similar functionality to Formik. It has a simple API and can handle complex forms with ease. It also has built-in support for yup validation and supports server-side rendering.

React Hook Form leverages React hooks to manage form states and provide a performant way to build forms. Its API is designed to reduce the amount of code needed to create controlled forms, which can lead to cleaner and more maintainable form logic.

The library also focuses on minimizing re-renders and improving form performance, which is critical for applications with large or dynamic forms. It supports nested fields and arrays, making it suitable for complex form structures.

14. React Sight

React Sight is a Chrome extension visually representing your React application’s component hierarchy. This can be particularly useful for debugging and troubleshooting complex applications.

The extension gives you a bird’s-eye view of your entire component tree, with connections between parent and child components displayed. This can help you quickly understand the structure of your application and identify potential issues with component relationships.

React Sight also allows you to filter the component tree by name or state, making it easier to navigate large applications. Additionally, it can display each component’s current props and state, which can be invaluable for debugging state-related issues.

15. React Proto

React Proto is a prototyping tool that allows you to quickly create and test React components without setting up a full development environment. It supports React and React Native and can be used for rapid prototyping and experimentation.

The tool provides a drag-and-drop interface for building component hierarchies, allowing you to visualize and design your application’s UI without writing any code. You can then export the prototype as a React project, complete with the component files and basic structure.

React Proto is useful for designers and developers who want to iterate on UI designs quickly before diving into the code. It can also be a useful educational tool for those new to React, providing a hands-on way to learn about components and props.

16. Bit

Bit is a powerful tool that allows you to share and reuse React components across projects. It’s a great solution for teams working on multiple projects that need to share components.

Component Sharing

With Bit, you can create and manage your component library, making sharing and synchronizing components across projects easy. This reduces duplication and ensures consistency.

Easy Import and Use

Bit simplifies the process of importing and using components in your projects. You can install components with npm or yarn, just like any other package, which allows Bit to integrate seamlessly into your workflow.

Discoverability and Collaboration

But it also makes it easy to discover and integrate components from other developers. This saves time and encourages collaboration and code reuse within the developer community.

17. React Query

React Query is a powerful data fetching and caching library for React applications. It simplifies fetching, caching, and updating data from your API.

Declarative Data Fetching

React Query provides a more intuitive and declarative approach to data fetching. You no longer have to deal with the complexities of managing state and cache invalidation manually.

Real-time and Optimistic Updates

It supports real-time and optimistic data updates, making it ideal for applications requiring a real-time feel. This feature helps in building applications that are responsive and always up-to-date.

Automated Background Refetching

React Query automatically prefetches data in the background when changes occur, ensuring your application data remains fresh without manual intervention.

18. React Cosmos

React Cosmos is a tool that helps you build, review, and iterate on your React components in isolation.

Sandbox Environment

It provides a sandbox environment where you can interact with your components without needing a full app around them. This allows for focused development and testing on individual components.

Testing Edge Cases

The tool is especially useful for testing edge cases and debugging components. You can manipulate props, state, and context to see how your components behave under different conditions.

Component Variations

With React Cosmos, you can create and save variations of your components, which can be used as a reference for future development or regression testing.

19. Create React App

Create React App is a tool that helps you quickly set up a new React project.

Simplified Setup

It provides a minimal and opinionated structure for your project, including all the necessary dependencies and configuration out of the box.

Development Server and Hot Reloading

Create React App has a built-in development server and hot reloading, simplifying the development and testing process.

Extensibility and Customization

While it comes with sensible defaults, the Create React App can be easily extended and customized to fit the needs of your project without ejecting.

20. Evergreen

Evergreen is a UI library for React that provides a set of reusable and customizable components.

Design Consistency

With Evergreen, you can easily create consistent and beautiful user interfaces, ensuring a cohesive look and feel across your application.

Flexibility and Accessibility

It’s designed to be simple, flexible, and accessible, with built-in support for theming and dark mode, catering to various design requirements.

Comprehensive Documentation

Evergreen provides excellent documentation and community support, which helps developers quickly find the information they need to implement the components effectively.

21. Copycat

Copycat is a tool that helps you easily copy and paste React components and snippets from one project to another.

Integration with Code Editors

It integrates with your code editor, streamlining the process of reusing code across multiple projects.

Searchable Component Library

Copycat provides a searchable library of components and snippets, allowing you to find and reuse code quickly.

Error Reduction

By facilitating the reuse of tested components, Copycat can help reduce the chances of introducing errors when copying and pasting code.


Using the right tools can significantly impact your productivity, efficiency, and code quality as a React developer. In this article, we’ve explored some must-use tools for React development that can help you streamline your workflow and create better applications. With these tools, you can save time, improve collaboration, and build more efficient and user-friendly applications. So, add these to your arsenal next time you start a new React project.



Ashish Jain

Simple Human Being. Work: Offshore Web | Cloud | Mobile | SEO